Seventy-Seven 5 Letter Words that Start with O: Scrabble & Wordle List

5 letter words that start with O for scrabble or wordle for kids

77 Five-Letter Words that Start with O: Scrabble & Wordle List

In our household, Scrabble crushes game night, transforming our living room into an epic battleground of vocabulary prowess. OK, it's not that serious because my daughter's 5, but we do have a lot of fun! And what better way to kick off the fun than by exploring a complete list of 5-letter words starting with the letter "O"? 

I'm sharing 77 words that start with the letter -- perfect for your next crossword puzzle or word game. If you're here for informational purposes, you're in the right place. This post is the easiest way to find common words with good letters to up your Scrabble score. You'll find the best possible plays of high-scoring words without tapping into your blank tiles. 

Whether you're a seasoned Scrabble savant or a newcomer to the world of word games, there's something here for everyone. 

There's endless possibilities of positive language, everyday conversation, and the sheer joy of playing wordle-like games. It's more than just a game night—it's a celebration of words, family, and the power of language to bring us together. shop the post

Vintage Scrabble Game

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Campbell's Alphabet Dice Word Game

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Wordle Party Game

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77 Five-Letter Words that Start with the letter O

  1. Oasis - a fertile spot in a desert where water is found.

  2. Oaths - solemn promises or declarations, often made under oath.

  3. Oaken - made of or resembling oak wood.

  4. Ocean - a large body of saltwater that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  5. Ochre - a natural earth pigment ranging from yellow to red-brown.

  6. Oddly - in a strange or unusual manner.

  7. Odors - distinctive smells or scents.

  8. Ogled - to stare at in a lecherous or flirtatious manner.

  9. Ogres - mythical creatures, typically depicted as large, ugly, and monstrous.

  10. Ohmic - relating to or exhibiting Ohm's law in electrical conductivity.

  11. Oiled - covered or treated with oil.

  12. Oinks - the sound made by a pig.

  13. Ology - a suffix denoting a subject of study or knowledge.

  14. Omega - the final letter of the Greek alphabet.

  15. Oozed - to flow or seep slowly out of something.

  16. Opera - a dramatic work in one or more acts, set to music.

  17. Opted - chose or decided to do something.

  18. Orbit - the path followed by an object around a celestial body.

  19. Organ - a part of an organism that performs a specific function.

  20. Oslo - the capital city of Norway.

  21. Otter - a semiaquatic mammal known for its playful behavior.

  22. Outdo - to surpass or exceed in performance or achievement.

  23. Ovals - shapes resembling elongated circles.

  24. Ovens - appliances used for baking or roasting food.

  25. Overt - done or shown openly; not concealed.

  26. Owned - past tense of "own," meaning to possess or have something.

  27. Owner - a person who possesses or holds something.

  28. Oxide - a compound of oxygen and another element.

  29. Oxlip - a European primrose with yellow flowers.

  30. Ozone - a gas consisting of three oxygen atoms.

  31. Oases - plural form of "oasis," fertile spots in deserts with water sources.

  32. Oaten - relating to or made of oats.

  33. Obese - excessively overweight or fat.

  34. Obits - informal abbreviation for obituaries.

  35. Oboes - musical instruments in the woodwind family.

  36. Ocher - a pigment ranging in color from yellow to reddish-brown.

  37. Octet - a group of eight people or things.

  38. Odder - comparative form of "odd," meaning more unusual or strange.

  39. Odium - general or widespread hatred or disgust.

  40. Ogles - looks at with desire or admiration.

  41. Olden - belonging to or characteristic of earlier times.

  42. Older - comparative form of "old," indicating a greater age.

  43. Oleos - plural form of "oleo," a butter substitute made from vegetable oils.

  44. Olive - a small oval fruit with a hard pit and green or black skin.

  45. Omens - signs or portents of future events.

  46. Onset - the beginning or start of something.

  47. Opens - starts or begins operation.

  48. Optic - relating to sight or vision.

  49. Order - a command, direction, or instruction.

  50. Orang - a reddish-brown color resembling that of an orangutan's fur.

  51. Organ - a musical instrument with pipes and keyboard.

  52. Oriel - a window projecting from the main wall of a building.

  53. Osier - a flexible twig, typically of willow, used in weaving baskets.

  54. Otter - a semiaquatic mammal known for its playful behavior.

  55. Ounce - a unit of weight equal to 1/16 of a pound.

  56. Ourie - Scottish dialect meaning shaggy or hairy.

  57. Outdo - to surpass or exceed in performance or achievement.

  58. Ovals - shapes resembling elongated circles.

  59. Ovens - appliances used for baking or roasting food.

  60. Overt - done or shown openly; not concealed.

  61. Owlet - a young owl.

  62. Owned - past tense of "own," meaning to possess or have something.

  63. Owner - a person who possesses or holds something.

  64. Oxide - a compound of oxygen and another element.

  65. Oxter - the armpit or the area under the arm.

  66. Ozone - a gas consisting of three oxygen atoms.

  67. Oases - plural form of "oasis," fertile spots in deserts with water sources.

  68. Oaten - relating to or made of oats.

  69. Obese - excessively overweight or fat.

  70. Obits - informal abbreviation for obituaries.

  71. Oboes - musical instruments in the woodwind family.

  72. Ocher - a pigment ranging in color from yellow to reddish-brown.

  73. Octal - relating to or expressed in the base-8 numeral system.

  74. Octet - a group of eight people or things.

  75. Odder - comparative form of "odd," meaning more unusual or strange.

  76. Odium - general or widespread hatred or disgust.

  77. Ogles - looks at with desire or admiration


Our family game nights are so fun with Scrabble and wordle-like games. From high-scoring words to the best possible plays, we've explored a vast array of vocabulary, enriching our minds and strengthening our communication skills along the way.

As we bid farewell to another exhilarating game night, we're reminded of the immense value of positive language, everyday conversation, and the joy of friendly competition. With a plethora of words at our disposal, we've honed our writing skills, sharpened our hand coordination, and embraced the power of words to unite us as a family.

So whether you're seeking validation purposes in a crossword puzzle or simply looking for good ideas to enhance your word game experience, remember that the world of words is vast and boundless, offering endless opportunities for exploration and discovery. And as we venture forth into the rest of the world, let us carry with us the lessons learned from our game nights—lessons of perseverance, creativity, and the unwavering pursuit of the right answer.

With every letter placed on the board, every word validated by the terms, we've witnessed the transformative power of writing games to ignite our imagination and ignite our passion for words. And as we eagerly anticipate today’s puzzle or tomorrow's challenge, we do so with a renewed sense of enthusiasm and a deep appreciation for the beauty of language in all its forms.


Hi, I’m Jen!

Hi, I’m Jen, your perpetually optimistic, fun-loving, witty friend. When I’m not working at The Marketing Greenhouse, you can find me gardening in the sun, playing games with my kids or creating content that inspires people to try new things and be the best version of themselves.

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